Raw Dog Food Calculator

Want to know how much raw food to feed your dog? Use our calculator below. However, you may want to read this first.


Around 1-2 hours of exercise per day, with some periods of intense activity (e.g. playing fetch).
Maintain Weight
Your dog has a visible waistline from above. From the side, there is a discernible tummy tuck. You may not necessarily see a rib cage, but you can easily feel the ribs with your fingers. There is perhaps a small amount of covering fat.
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Calculate Results


Total Daily Feed
<feed value>
How that breaks down:
muscle meat
edible bone
other secreting organs

Using Our Calculator

We built this raw feeding calculator because there are a lot of calculators out there, with different levels of accuracy and functionality. Some are very basic and only ask for your dog’s weight. Others only give results in pounds, instead of kilograms (unhelpful for people in the UK, or outside the US). Some take into account the dog’s activity level or whether they need to gain, maintain, or lose weight.

But most don’t. And we haven’t seen one that does all of this.

We wanted to bring it all together for an accurate and comprehensive guide.

However, you need to be aware of something.

All raw feeding calculators are really just an estimate. They can’t guarantee accuracy and should only be used as a guide. Like humans, each dog is different. They have different metabolisms. And while we account for activity level in the calculator, some dogs are more active than others. It is impossible to be completely precise in the level of activity, and how that affects how much raw food a dog needs.

The point is: don’t rely on this - or any - calculator for absolute precision.

A healthy dog should have a defined waist and you should be able to feel their rib cage when holding their sides, but without their ribs being too visible. You should also see a noticeable, but not exaggerated abdominal tuck. For short-haired dogs, you can see this a bit easier. For longer-coated dogs, you will just need to feel their ribs.

Using a calculator gives you a starting point, but you will still need to periodically check your dog’s weight and evaluate whether their intake is appropriate to maintain a healthy weight.